Friday, July 9, 2010


Which Doraemon do you like best?

No more Starbucks !?

Do you like creamy cafe latte? Today also, do you go to Starbucks for drinking 100bahts cafe latte? With this cafe maker, Nescafe Barista, you can drink cafe latte like professional made.

It is easy to make.Just put instant cafe powder into the machine,do not need cafe bean. You can make 1 cup of cafe latte with 7bahts. I do not know this machine is sold or not in Thailand. I checked it on Google search now, but I could not find it sold in Thailand.

The machine is about 3000bahts in Japan,so cheaper than others.How about it for souvenir?

He is......

Well,no one answered to me. Anyway,I know very few people are checking my blog...... hehehe.
The answer is,

Ikkyu san!! Wow,very different. Ikkyu san actually lived in Kyoto 600 years ago. Ikkyu san character is very different from cartoon. He was a monk,but liked ladies so much, and sometimes he loved men. He drunk alcohol,ate meat. But people loved his free lifestyle.

He died at 88 years old. When he was about to die, he said, I do not want to die. 200 years after he died, his acts was arranged and the Ikkyu san story was made.

Who is he??

Who do you know he is??
If you can answer it correctly, I will give you a free air ticket to Japan,maybe (^_^;)
Hint : He is very famous Japanese for Thai people. He was born 600 years ago.I will answer it tomorrow.

Osamu Tezuka Museum

Osamu Tezuka is famous Japanese cartoonist. Especially Iron Atom is well known in the world. The museum is located in Takarazuka city, driving 40 minutes from Osaka.

Sticker on car

What do you think this sticker is? For decoration?
No, the first one is for beginner driver. In Japanese law, When we got the license, the sticker must be put on car for 1 year. Driving school fee in Japan is so expensive,it is around 100,000 bahts!! Me also paid for getting the license.

The second one is for elder people,over 75 years old. As you know,there are a lot of elder people in Japan. Some taxi driver are over 80 years old. Oh, antarai na ( dangerous). Sorry, I do not want to take it.

Crane game

Crane game, is seen in game corner. And usually it is played to get doll,toy,or key holder. But with this crane game, you can get delicious cakes.

Dog on bicycle

There are a lot of bicycles in the city of Osaka. Even in mid city, we can safely drive bicycle. Some people are putting their dog on the bicycle basket going around the city.

Bus or boat? Both!

It is unique sight-seeing vehicle in Osaka, it is driving around in Osaka and after that, it changes to boat to go into river

Bento (Lunch box) art

Wow, it is great work.


Food recommendation again.Today is hamburg. Some people cannot eat beef. But if you can, I strongly recommend you to eat Japanese hamburg. There are many various hamburg,topping with cheese,egg, or curry etc. Wow !! I am hungry now. I will go to eat it this evening.

Yukimi Daifuku (Mochi, inside vanila ice cream)

This time, I introduce you unique Japanese sweets,Yukimi Daifuku. It is kind of ice cream,but it covered with mochi. Now Japanese traditional sweets are getting popular in Thailand,like Dorayaki or Daifuku.

Do you want to try Yukimi Daifuku now? You can find it in Isetan,central world.

Rainy season

In June,we are having rainy season now. The rain in Japan is different from that of Thai. It rain long time all day,not heavily. Rain is sometime welcomed in Thailand,because it cools down temperature. But in Japan,rain is not preferable, because people do not like to get wet.These are rainy flowers.

Will you try ramen?

In Japan, there are many oishi (delicious) ramen shop. There are some ramen shop in Thailand also, like hachiban ramen,or oishi ramen. But the Japanese ramen is much bigger then that of Thailand.

The ramen price in Japan is about 700yen(250baths). Of course,you do not have to pay money for it.All meal fee are included in our private trip service.

Why not try them?

Popular tourist place ranking in Kansai area

Favorite places for tourist are as follows: